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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Washing-Induced Hysteria - Wednesday's 'Real' Read.

Love, love, love this very real snapshot into the life of living with hubby!!!. 
Laugh and enjoy as Naomi shares a moment of her day with us that, let's face it, we all can relate - right from the bottom of our inner talk :).
Whether this is your hubby, house mate, kids, or even yourself check it:

What my husband likes
  • Coke, cycling and sci-fi
  • Playing with the kids
  • Stripping off in random locations around the house, leaving his clothes in an inside out puddle.
  • And flinging dirty socks from the bedroom into the hallway. (Where he will no longer be aware of their presence, no matter how many times he walks past them.)

Me?  I have been known to occasionally seethe at the mere sight of his strewn dirty clothes. The energy that courses through my body and the thoughts that charge my through my head is impressive.

He?  Doesn’t seem to appreciate my passion for the topic of dirty clothes in the hallway.

One day
I picked up the pile with an almighty sigh and stomped self-righteously to the laundry.
Sweetly, I brought the issue to his attention.
He blinked and stared and nodded, surprisingly unmoved.
And then...
Everything unravelled............................


All this tension and drama and fuss over some stray laundry?
When did I become this worked-up banshee of a wife?
You know, I figured, maybe I could just pick up his clothes and not even think about it. Be grateful that he has clothes (!) and I have a husband and a hallway to put him in. Ahh, the clothes in.
Maybe, for the rest of our married life, he’ll be a clothes flinger, a random stripper leaving trails of laundry in his wake.
And I? I think, for him, I can pick them up, walk 20m, put them in the laundry and be thankful for a husband who rocks and a home that exudes an ethereal sense of calm and tranquillity :)
Now, my head hurts less and my husband looks hotter in general when I see him.

#how I used inner self talk to farewell washing-induced hysteria.

Check out Naomi's Blog: http://inkcrush.blogspot.com/
Naomi: Girl. 30 (!) Loves all things inky: reading and writing and especially the goodness that is YA. I live @ Coffs Harbour, Australia.

Share with us below what 'housework' moments can get the better of you???


  1. Little bitty toy bits EVERYWHERE lol. - Not full toys just bits of games or dolls or animal toys. Tidy up and tidy up and tidy up. - Elizabeth

  2. LOL..know exatly how you feel naomi...hate clothes everywhere..if only they could grow their own legs and arms..problem solved for all.

  3. HA! Love it! I've been married for 10 years now, and The Husband STILL leaves his socks everywhere... I've chosen just to love him through it... lol

  4. hey :)

    I've been married for ten years too and finally figured i dont think he cares enough about it to change, and really it's not all that much of a big deal 9considering how fired up I can get), although it sometimes feels like it, haha.
