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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Death and Taxes - Wednesday's 'Real' Read

Life happens to us all. Below Flip, shares her story of what to do when the little things of life push us over the edge inside - check it:

There is a saying that there are two things in life that are guaranteed. Death and Taxes! But this is not true, especially if you live in my house.

There are many guarantees in life and one of them for me is good ole vomit! 

Yep vomit!

In the last 24 hours in our house we have faced this very inevitable and yet disgusting part of life that I would think very few of us have never experienced. (If you are one of the blessed ones to have never had this aliment, please let me know because that achievement is up there with winning lotto!!)
Now the poor afflicted soul is and has been my dear 5 year old, Abbi. She has suffered like no other human being has suffered – so she is willing to tell me every 5 minutes!!! 
Now, it’s not a nice time when one of you children are sick and they can't help it but there is still this little part of me that just wants to say....stop it!! I mean really I don’t need this now, I’m busy, be quiet, I know your sick but can you suffer in silence...please!!!
Of course being such a self controlled kind of person I would never do this... but sigh.

It’s another guarantee: Our self talk meeting the situation.

Now, being the carer, all sorts of not very caring things pass through my mind and make me not want to be very positive or maternal, especially at 3am. 
Abbi is sitting upright beside my bed, holding an empty ice cream chuck up container, saying every 30 seconds “I'm sick, I'm sick, help”. All I want to do is moan and say "go to sleep, I'm tired, don't you realise I'm old and I need more sleep than you!!!”

But then I started thinking what if Abbi was me and I was the one who needed the care, love and attention. 
Of course I would want my mum to be there with me, holding the bucket, pulling the hair away from my face as I was chucking up, bringing me water and telling me that is would be okay and asking Jesus to make me all better. That’s what I would want, would need, some love. 

So, I gave myself a quick slap upside the head (metaphorically speaking), reign in the self talk, and kick into 'the best mother in the world' mode, even if my head was still thinking...I'm tired. 

You see no matter how I feel and no matter what my self talk is, the situation requires a guaranteed ‘I have to act’.

With God it's the same.
Life happens and sometimes we need real help, or we get ourselves into a pickle and cry out... “I'm hurt and I can't get up, I'm very sad, I'm more in need than anyone else right now!!” “HELP!!” 
The need is genuine because we are not perfect and we all need help in life at times and we want God to act!!!
Lucky for us God does not struggle with the self talk thing like we do. Complaining about being tired or just wanting us to shut up for 5 mins so He can sleep is not even a thought, He is not wired that way at all and thank goodness for us that He isn't. 
Our guarantee with God is that when He meets our situation He acts. 
He is always there to listen, hear our call, our silent prayer. He loves us,wants to look after us, and guide us, even if we don’t know it, feel it, see it or understand it. 

Read Luke 18. Here, Jesus is walking to Jericho and crowds of people are around him and a blind man is sitting on the road begging. He asks what is going on and the people tell him that Jesus is going past. So he calls out to Jesus, for help but the crowd shushed him, still he cries out even more “Jesus have mercy on me” – al la ‘help’. Jesus heard him and asked him “what is it that you want from me?” (Sounds like what I say to my kids all the time) The blind man said, 'I want to see!' Jesus replied by healing him of his blindness. The blind now ‘sighted’ man glorified God and became His follower, why? Because it was all about love. Love made a difference.
How encouraging, Jesus did not falter, did not question His readiness to help someone in need, he just ‘did’. He did out of love. 

So when the issue of life, even vomit, get the better of us, know that God is with us and we can ask for Help when we need it. 
And, when we collide with being ‘guaranteed’ needed, we can choose to act out of love like Him, even with our less than perfect self talk, even when it’s hard.

It's a guarantee that acts of Love make a difference. 

Flip Glasby is a mum of two gorgeous children, works part time, and loves to laugh. She is passionate about great friendships, is renovating her house and loves her spunk of a husband.

Share with us here at Fradaz, what guarantee's you have found in life....

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! I love how you've combined something in your life with a Bible life application.
