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Monday, July 26, 2010

Beauty Spot!

Whether it’s Winter (like here in Aus), or Summer, Autumn or Spring, it is always the season to Moisturise.

I like nothing better than taking 10min and simply smoothing some yummy cream into my skin. However, this is soooooo not something that comes naturally.

I don’t jump out of bed and think oooooh let me moisturise. While I’m frantically throwing ‘all things’ breakfast on the table, getting kids and babies organized, oh and hubby too, I am not thinking ooooh moisturise. Then, during the long day of jobs, droping off and picking up, roles I do - I am, work, play, tidying up mess, more tidying mess,… and on and on... again I am not thinking moisturise. And, as I fall into bed at night and only have the energy to lift the sheet slightly so I can crawl under I am definitely not thinking moisturise - zzz

So when do I moisturise? 

Truth Moment: When I make a 10min spot for it! 

Yep my beauty indulgences have come down to having to make a spot for it. 
It’ just does not magically happen for me as I linger over potions and lotions while butterflies, sparkling glitter and waterfalls cascade, flutter and swirl around me in all that free time of mine, in that perfect world of mine!!! (Is that a unicorn I spy in my bathroom??? lol)

So, for me my spot is in the morning. 
I have no energy at night so if it’s going to happen I am going to do it in the morn when I have some and before it’s spent. I also don’t have time for a '10 step, hour long' beauty moisturise program either but I do have time for a 10 minute all over body indulgence, we all do.

Straight after my morn shower or dress time, I light a candle and I have my fav music playing in the background (There is always music on in my house lol). The kids are occupied in another area, whether it is by hubby, or abc kids show, or coloring in – it’s important to have them busy and worth the effort to set them up well so they don’t end up knocking my bathroom door down.

Then it’s just me and my cream, I enjoy the moment, I breath, I relax, I indulge, I feel beautiful, I shut the world out, and I know this act is making a difference to me. 
Inside I choose peace and to my skin outside I invest…ooooooooooooooooh la 

                                     ……Then it’s back into my crazy busy day.


* Find a cream your happy with. There are so many available with varying purposes and to suit any skin type and any budget.

* Make your ‘10’ an enjoyable moment - no rush job allowed.
Candles, music, quiet, sunshine or stars light through a private window, whatever ministers to you, whatever time of the day.

* Defend and protect that spot. Don’t let life get in and steal it away. Plan for it and make it work for you.  If you do miss a day or two get back up and fight for its right to be in your life. 
You are valuable, important and able to indulge in your diverse beauty. You are beautiful.

Happy take 10 moisturising to us all.

 Elizabeth xxx

1 comment:

  1. I REALLY need to moisturise more... my legs are cracking...
