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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Washing-Induced Hysteria - Wednesday's 'Real' Read.

Love, love, love this very real snapshot into the life of living with hubby!!!. 
Laugh and enjoy as Naomi shares a moment of her day with us that, let's face it, we all can relate - right from the bottom of our inner talk :).
Whether this is your hubby, house mate, kids, or even yourself check it:

What my husband likes
  • Coke, cycling and sci-fi
  • Playing with the kids
  • Stripping off in random locations around the house, leaving his clothes in an inside out puddle.
  • And flinging dirty socks from the bedroom into the hallway. (Where he will no longer be aware of their presence, no matter how many times he walks past them.)

Me?  I have been known to occasionally seethe at the mere sight of his strewn dirty clothes. The energy that courses through my body and the thoughts that charge my through my head is impressive.

He?  Doesn’t seem to appreciate my passion for the topic of dirty clothes in the hallway.

One day
I picked up the pile with an almighty sigh and stomped self-righteously to the laundry.
Sweetly, I brought the issue to his attention.
He blinked and stared and nodded, surprisingly unmoved.
And then...
Everything unravelled............................


All this tension and drama and fuss over some stray laundry?
When did I become this worked-up banshee of a wife?
You know, I figured, maybe I could just pick up his clothes and not even think about it. Be grateful that he has clothes (!) and I have a husband and a hallway to put him in. Ahh, the clothes in.
Maybe, for the rest of our married life, he’ll be a clothes flinger, a random stripper leaving trails of laundry in his wake.
And I? I think, for him, I can pick them up, walk 20m, put them in the laundry and be thankful for a husband who rocks and a home that exudes an ethereal sense of calm and tranquillity :)
Now, my head hurts less and my husband looks hotter in general when I see him.

#how I used inner self talk to farewell washing-induced hysteria.

Check out Naomi's Blog: http://inkcrush.blogspot.com/
Naomi: Girl. 30 (!) Loves all things inky: reading and writing and especially the goodness that is YA. I live @ Coffs Harbour, Australia.

Share with us below what 'housework' moments can get the better of you???

Monday, July 26, 2010

Beauty Spot!

Whether it’s Winter (like here in Aus), or Summer, Autumn or Spring, it is always the season to Moisturise.

I like nothing better than taking 10min and simply smoothing some yummy cream into my skin. However, this is soooooo not something that comes naturally.

I don’t jump out of bed and think oooooh let me moisturise. While I’m frantically throwing ‘all things’ breakfast on the table, getting kids and babies organized, oh and hubby too, I am not thinking ooooh moisturise. Then, during the long day of jobs, droping off and picking up, roles I do - I am, work, play, tidying up mess, more tidying mess,… and on and on... again I am not thinking moisturise. And, as I fall into bed at night and only have the energy to lift the sheet slightly so I can crawl under I am definitely not thinking moisturise - zzz

So when do I moisturise? 

Truth Moment: When I make a 10min spot for it! 

Yep my beauty indulgences have come down to having to make a spot for it. 
It’ just does not magically happen for me as I linger over potions and lotions while butterflies, sparkling glitter and waterfalls cascade, flutter and swirl around me in all that free time of mine, in that perfect world of mine!!! (Is that a unicorn I spy in my bathroom??? lol)

So, for me my spot is in the morning. 
I have no energy at night so if it’s going to happen I am going to do it in the morn when I have some and before it’s spent. I also don’t have time for a '10 step, hour long' beauty moisturise program either but I do have time for a 10 minute all over body indulgence, we all do.

Straight after my morn shower or dress time, I light a candle and I have my fav music playing in the background (There is always music on in my house lol). The kids are occupied in another area, whether it is by hubby, or abc kids show, or coloring in – it’s important to have them busy and worth the effort to set them up well so they don’t end up knocking my bathroom door down.

Then it’s just me and my cream, I enjoy the moment, I breath, I relax, I indulge, I feel beautiful, I shut the world out, and I know this act is making a difference to me. 
Inside I choose peace and to my skin outside I invest…ooooooooooooooooh la 

                                     ……Then it’s back into my crazy busy day.


* Find a cream your happy with. There are so many available with varying purposes and to suit any skin type and any budget.

* Make your ‘10’ an enjoyable moment - no rush job allowed.
Candles, music, quiet, sunshine or stars light through a private window, whatever ministers to you, whatever time of the day.

* Defend and protect that spot. Don’t let life get in and steal it away. Plan for it and make it work for you.  If you do miss a day or two get back up and fight for its right to be in your life. 
You are valuable, important and able to indulge in your diverse beauty. You are beautiful.

Happy take 10 moisturising to us all.

 Elizabeth xxx

Friday, July 23, 2010

Little Black Dress Moments - Wednesday 'Real' Read

Today Amanda shares her 'life bumped me' moment. Check it out - it is an issue that affects as all - our self talk based on what others say! We all have lived this one. Be simply encouraged.

Self Talk, what a scary thought! The words go off like an alarm, don’t want to go there - nope!

The scary part is that when you get up the courage to take a little peek into your own self talk you have to be honest and put ‘You’ all out on the table: flaws, constant changing moods, struggles, wins, how you feel about your physical looks, your performance as either/or a wife, mother, daughter, sister, or in your career, role, and on.... Self talk = all of me!

So what do I really say about all of me?

Ok..., to be honest it’s something I am working on! Yep I should be nice to me, and lovely, and I should know that I am beautiful for who I am. I should be praying and remembering God’s words during the good and certainly during the struggles... shouldn’t I....??? But yeah, those ‘shoulds’ can all go out the window with that thing called logic, (I am still trying to call it back I think?)


Because my ‘sneak peek’ revealed that a major contributor to some of my “self talk” seems to come from what others say. Not the best realization; but true none the less.
On a day I am feeling appreciated by others I am great, it’s like “you go girl, you will be fine!” but then there are the other days... Like the other night when I walked out of the bedroom to show my husband what I was wearing out and thinking “wow, I’m looking really hot tonight!” and he said “You're not wearing that are you? - It really doesn’t do anything for you! (Ahhh little ‘black dress’ moments!)

It’s in these moments we can go from feeling great, to one second later feeling like we are useless, we can’t put an outfit together, we can’t do anything right, don’t even mention the body...well if only!
If only I didn’t have the love handles there or I was taller/shorter or weighed a little less. If only I was smarter, had more time, more money, that promotion, looked like her. If only = all of me!!!

Wow, I sound crazy! But you know what I’m talking about.
We know that it should not matter what people say about us and we know that we should not base our self-esteem on what others say, the good (that’s really nice) and the bad, because people can’t be perfect for us. Yet, it does matter...

As hard as we try not to let it, our self talk is influence by the comments of others. So what can we do? It all comes down to reminding myself who I am in God’s eyes and not theirs – and God’s comment is Love.

God loves us just as we are. He created us enough in Him and that includes all our ‘if only’ and ‘shoulds’.
It’s Him I have to come back to.
To say this is easy is a lie, and it’s something I’ve found I have to work on every day, it does not come naturally, but if we keep going, we get better.

“Self talk”? , It’s not really that scary anymore because I’m placing it on the table of ‘I am learning’. Learning to come back to God and what His love means, learning to keep moving forward even when those self doubts caused by me or from others pipe up, and learning to get back up when I am down. We are progressing, and we are not giving up.

Ta Amandaxx

- Amanda Goebel is a soon to be mum with her first bubby on the way. She and hubby Josh can't wait for this new chapter in their life. We will let you know all the details when bub arrives.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Top 5 for July!

It's that time of the month where we share our favorite fun, inspirational, or quaint things for the month
You are going to have fun with these and feel beautiful too.

Check it, our top 5:

1) Dry skin = no probs. Try something new: Rose Hip Oil, for a really deep moisturize. It smells beautiful and will soften and hydrate dry skin in no time. www.kosmea.com.au

2) Sesame Street Fun. Sesame Street is celebrating 40 years, yep that’s right. So get your Elmo, Cookie Monster, Big Bird, Grover, Bert and Ernie, Oscar, Count, Snuffi, and more on! Next week pay tribute to this children’s educational and entertainment show that has delighted little kids and big kids: 
Wear it, watch it, remember it!

3) Big signature ring. One hand, one finger and on it: Your fav signature you. Flowers, hearts, birds, round, square, gems, plain, just wear what grabs you. We love it just cause we can!! Oh and it does not have to be expensive either, check out the nearest jewelry chain store near you.

4) Money Jar. Christmas is around the bend and that means money$$$$! Check out this great Money Jar idea from ‘be a fun mum’   for a very merry merry Christmas! 

5) Lipstick message. Do write in lipstick across the mirror, one thing you love about you. Who has not wanted to at times scrawl a special message across the mirror in your fav color lipstick! This message is for you, a defining quality or physical feature you like about you and seal it with your own kiss. 
It’s a little moment of real truth for you to remind you of your own diverse beauty inside and out. 

Don't forget to check out the Amazon shop, on the right, for all of the above and more July ideas.

Have a great, fun and beautiful Friday and weekend everyone. 
Elizabeth xx

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Death and Taxes - Wednesday's 'Real' Read

Life happens to us all. Below Flip, shares her story of what to do when the little things of life push us over the edge inside - check it:

There is a saying that there are two things in life that are guaranteed. Death and Taxes! But this is not true, especially if you live in my house.

There are many guarantees in life and one of them for me is good ole vomit! 

Yep vomit!

In the last 24 hours in our house we have faced this very inevitable and yet disgusting part of life that I would think very few of us have never experienced. (If you are one of the blessed ones to have never had this aliment, please let me know because that achievement is up there with winning lotto!!)
Now the poor afflicted soul is and has been my dear 5 year old, Abbi. She has suffered like no other human being has suffered – so she is willing to tell me every 5 minutes!!! 
Now, it’s not a nice time when one of you children are sick and they can't help it but there is still this little part of me that just wants to say....stop it!! I mean really I don’t need this now, I’m busy, be quiet, I know your sick but can you suffer in silence...please!!!
Of course being such a self controlled kind of person I would never do this... but sigh.

It’s another guarantee: Our self talk meeting the situation.

Now, being the carer, all sorts of not very caring things pass through my mind and make me not want to be very positive or maternal, especially at 3am. 
Abbi is sitting upright beside my bed, holding an empty ice cream chuck up container, saying every 30 seconds “I'm sick, I'm sick, help”. All I want to do is moan and say "go to sleep, I'm tired, don't you realise I'm old and I need more sleep than you!!!”

But then I started thinking what if Abbi was me and I was the one who needed the care, love and attention. 
Of course I would want my mum to be there with me, holding the bucket, pulling the hair away from my face as I was chucking up, bringing me water and telling me that is would be okay and asking Jesus to make me all better. That’s what I would want, would need, some love. 

So, I gave myself a quick slap upside the head (metaphorically speaking), reign in the self talk, and kick into 'the best mother in the world' mode, even if my head was still thinking...I'm tired. 

You see no matter how I feel and no matter what my self talk is, the situation requires a guaranteed ‘I have to act’.

With God it's the same.
Life happens and sometimes we need real help, or we get ourselves into a pickle and cry out... “I'm hurt and I can't get up, I'm very sad, I'm more in need than anyone else right now!!” “HELP!!” 
The need is genuine because we are not perfect and we all need help in life at times and we want God to act!!!
Lucky for us God does not struggle with the self talk thing like we do. Complaining about being tired or just wanting us to shut up for 5 mins so He can sleep is not even a thought, He is not wired that way at all and thank goodness for us that He isn't. 
Our guarantee with God is that when He meets our situation He acts. 
He is always there to listen, hear our call, our silent prayer. He loves us,wants to look after us, and guide us, even if we don’t know it, feel it, see it or understand it. 

Read Luke 18. Here, Jesus is walking to Jericho and crowds of people are around him and a blind man is sitting on the road begging. He asks what is going on and the people tell him that Jesus is going past. So he calls out to Jesus, for help but the crowd shushed him, still he cries out even more “Jesus have mercy on me” – al la ‘help’. Jesus heard him and asked him “what is it that you want from me?” (Sounds like what I say to my kids all the time) The blind man said, 'I want to see!' Jesus replied by healing him of his blindness. The blind now ‘sighted’ man glorified God and became His follower, why? Because it was all about love. Love made a difference.
How encouraging, Jesus did not falter, did not question His readiness to help someone in need, he just ‘did’. He did out of love. 

So when the issue of life, even vomit, get the better of us, know that God is with us and we can ask for Help when we need it. 
And, when we collide with being ‘guaranteed’ needed, we can choose to act out of love like Him, even with our less than perfect self talk, even when it’s hard.

It's a guarantee that acts of Love make a difference. 

Flip Glasby is a mum of two gorgeous children, works part time, and loves to laugh. She is passionate about great friendships, is renovating her house and loves her spunk of a husband.

Share with us here at Fradaz, what guarantee's you have found in life....

Friday, July 9, 2010

Exercise = Moaan!!!

Sandy, Fradaz's Health and Fitness expert, tells us how to turn our exercise into an everyday choice from the inside to the outside.

Please put your hand up if you haven’t found it difficult to get out of bed on a cold or rainy morning to exercise – if there’s anyone out there????, (OK, some of you with a rare gift, lol.)

We all go through times (or days) in our lives when we’d rather be sleeping than stepping out the door, snoring than cycling, lounging then moving it, and putting exercise off because of..... Hey you’re busy!!! 
And, it is especially hard during the colder winter months (brrrrrr!).

But it’s during these times that our “positive confession” can be so powerful. You can turn “I’m too tired to exercise today”, into “I’m going to have so much energy after my jog!” Or change “I’m too busy to go to the gym today”, into “I can fit in half an hour in my lunch break or after work”.

By speaking out your desire to exercise, along with verbalising your goals - from running in a 10km fun-run, to looking fabulous in your summer swim-suit or favourite outfit, to simply feeling healthy - you’ll find it much easier to keep up your physical activity habit when that 'moan' surfaces and it seems too hard to go on or do.
In choosing that positive confession you may just find a new love for exercise and also a new type of activity to do and have fun with that you may not have expected.  The only way to find out is to do!!!

For those of you who may always have a struggle with the ‘moaaan’ of exercise, you are going to have to choose the benefits over the negatives = “moan, but yep”, after all you are valuable and worth good health and feeling great!

Fun tips to focus on when it comes to exercise:

Find the fun. Choose something you enjoy. If you’re a people person, try walking with a friend or join an exercise class. If you thrive on competition, check out the sports teams available in your local area (or gather some friends to enter your own team).

Focus on the positives. Instead of complaining about having to exercise, think of it as catching up with a friend while you walk, or having fun shaking your booty in a Zumba class.

Make it a lifestyle. If you find it difficult to schedule in regular sessions of “formal” exercise, try to make up for it by being as active as you can in your everyday life. Always take the stairs instead of the elevator; park your car further away from the shops or your work; race through your housework or gardening so you elevate your heart-rate (and get your work done in half the time = more time for you!)

Goal: For this month, try to focus on speaking positively in relation to your exercise routine, and watch it change from something you dread into something you can look forward to. Bring on summer!

We would love to hear from you, so share your favorite type of exercise with us below:

Written by Sandy Peut: http://www.sandrapeut.com/

Great tips and advice on the best strollers to use when you got to take bub with you out on the pavement.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Get Your Grrrrrr On.

Fradaz has gone all things animal!

Wearing Animal print is really in at the moment, no matter the season. It is really fun, a little daring especially if you have never worn it, and it can look gorgeously hot.

Animal Print is happening everywhere but there are a few rules to look chic in it, and not end up looking a bit tacky. 

So, check out these top tips on how to get your Grrrrrr on:

First - it's all in the basics: Build your look around basic outfit neutrals.
We‘re talking: black, white, grey, dark denim, or beige.  Never add color, (no arguments), color paired with animal print is a little toooo cute, hey there is cute but then there’s tooooo cute with no chic in sight :) .

Now - the fun bit – your look.

Simply add your animal print to the outfit in either one of these two ways.

Just a touch: The accessory!

Pick a couple of the following to jazz up that outfit with a taste of animal.

Animal print: Necklace, handbag, clutch bag, shoes, scarf, hair band, hats, stylish beanies, earrings, socks, bangles.

- Only add a maximum of 2 accessories as too many will look a little try hard over the top. Try these combos or just stick with one item: 

             A clutch with either: shoes, beanie, or necklace, or earrings.
             A hair band with either: a tote bag, clutch, or shoes.
             A scarf with: shoes, or socks.
             Bangles with either: shoes, scarf, hat, or earrings.
                                                     Experiment and see what you like...

- Don't pair items too close together - all in one area i.e. necklace and 
earrings = to much in one spot/area of the body, you just end up looking cluttery.

Or You can go,

Bold: The statement piece! 

One piece of clothing that totally sets your outfit on the growl.

Animal Print: Jacket, trench. skirt, floaty dress, shorts, stockings, blouse, knee high boots.

- With a statement look, Only, only, only do one piece of the outfit in animal print, say NO to many.

- Never pair animal print accessories with the statement piece as you will look totally overdone. Keep accessories to basic neutral colors i.e. black earrings, black clutch, black boots, black strap heals ect…

- Steer away from animal print long pants, we are just not going there :) .

- Avoid stretchy cheaper animal print fabrics as they look cheap and a bit tacky on, not what we are going for.

Now all that is left is to walk confidently, you can wear any look if you hold your head up and be You - Get your Grrrrr on!