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Friday, July 2, 2010

Gossip Gal

Don’t you just hate it when you find out you have been the victim of some gossip?

We hate it because pretty much most of the time it’s untrue talk that taints our personhood and the view of others towards us.

Well, what if I told you that you were the worst gossiper about you?

I can prove it. How? 
Because we all have an inner thought life – the stuff we think and then tell ourselves about us, pretty much our gossip to us!
Just like gossip, some of our self talk can really harm us, lie to us and hurt us.

TRUTH MOMENT: What you say to You is going to build you up 
                                 or it will tear you down.

This world can throw a lot at us, and as women, juggling all our responsibilities, it is so easy to beat ourselves up about our failings and mistakes. It's easy to want to be that 'super women' yet end up feeling so inadequate. It is easy to hold ourselves to a standard that is so unreachable that we turn on ourself when we can't do it. 
We can also be so hard on ourself when someone else fail us and we can even blame ourselves for another persons mistake. 
These feelings fuel our self talk and our inner gossip girl is free to have a good old negative session with our heart leaving us feeling discouraged and deflated and believing we are a failure = torn down. 

You are so worth more, you are a valuable women, you are created to be beautiful and that means your inner self talk too.

So, when our feelings get the better of us and our self talk gets the baseball bat out here are four things you can do to send a clear message to that inner gossip gal to go elsewhere cause you're not listening:

1. Gut choice: You have to make the decision that you are going to encourage yourself with kind, beautiful, positive words no matter the circumstance. It is a choice to be kind to You, a choice to love you, a choice to accept you.

2. Don't live out of feelings: Our feelings can and do lie to us at times especially when we feel stupid, crazy, shamed and definitely not the super women we are trying so hard to be. You have to ignore feelings.  
Instead you need grace - allow grace for You. 
Grace gets you on your feet again, helps you accept responsibility if needed,  makes you smile at you, it is a hug that let's you know you are still valuable, loved and are enough.

3. God Gossip: Yep you heard me, align your self thoughts with God thoughts about you. Many of you know this, but is it really His voice you want to hear first or do you go to it last?
Make sure God is your foundation, guide and bottom line in how you feel about you. Make His voice the first point of call and now (the tricky bit) - let your heart accept it.

4. Time: Give yourself time to: grow, accept, change, get it right, and have another go. We need to embrace time and the journey that life is. Say nope to being caught up in the: instant great, the have to be right, and the have it all together, that our inner gossip would have us believe. 

You are beautiful, you rock, you are enough, be you.


Elizabeth. xx

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