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Friday, July 23, 2010

Little Black Dress Moments - Wednesday 'Real' Read

Today Amanda shares her 'life bumped me' moment. Check it out - it is an issue that affects as all - our self talk based on what others say! We all have lived this one. Be simply encouraged.

Self Talk, what a scary thought! The words go off like an alarm, don’t want to go there - nope!

The scary part is that when you get up the courage to take a little peek into your own self talk you have to be honest and put ‘You’ all out on the table: flaws, constant changing moods, struggles, wins, how you feel about your physical looks, your performance as either/or a wife, mother, daughter, sister, or in your career, role, and on.... Self talk = all of me!

So what do I really say about all of me?

Ok..., to be honest it’s something I am working on! Yep I should be nice to me, and lovely, and I should know that I am beautiful for who I am. I should be praying and remembering God’s words during the good and certainly during the struggles... shouldn’t I....??? But yeah, those ‘shoulds’ can all go out the window with that thing called logic, (I am still trying to call it back I think?)


Because my ‘sneak peek’ revealed that a major contributor to some of my “self talk” seems to come from what others say. Not the best realization; but true none the less.
On a day I am feeling appreciated by others I am great, it’s like “you go girl, you will be fine!” but then there are the other days... Like the other night when I walked out of the bedroom to show my husband what I was wearing out and thinking “wow, I’m looking really hot tonight!” and he said “You're not wearing that are you? - It really doesn’t do anything for you! (Ahhh little ‘black dress’ moments!)

It’s in these moments we can go from feeling great, to one second later feeling like we are useless, we can’t put an outfit together, we can’t do anything right, don’t even mention the body...well if only!
If only I didn’t have the love handles there or I was taller/shorter or weighed a little less. If only I was smarter, had more time, more money, that promotion, looked like her. If only = all of me!!!

Wow, I sound crazy! But you know what I’m talking about.
We know that it should not matter what people say about us and we know that we should not base our self-esteem on what others say, the good (that’s really nice) and the bad, because people can’t be perfect for us. Yet, it does matter...

As hard as we try not to let it, our self talk is influence by the comments of others. So what can we do? It all comes down to reminding myself who I am in God’s eyes and not theirs – and God’s comment is Love.

God loves us just as we are. He created us enough in Him and that includes all our ‘if only’ and ‘shoulds’.
It’s Him I have to come back to.
To say this is easy is a lie, and it’s something I’ve found I have to work on every day, it does not come naturally, but if we keep going, we get better.

“Self talk”? , It’s not really that scary anymore because I’m placing it on the table of ‘I am learning’. Learning to come back to God and what His love means, learning to keep moving forward even when those self doubts caused by me or from others pipe up, and learning to get back up when I am down. We are progressing, and we are not giving up.

Ta Amandaxx

- Amanda Goebel is a soon to be mum with her first bubby on the way. She and hubby Josh can't wait for this new chapter in their life. We will let you know all the details when bub arrives.


  1. cool article Amanda. I know what you mean and it's great to have a reminder how to renew our minds and see ourselves how God sees us :)

    LOL @ your husband. sometimes, I think guys just don't think...

  2. Sometimes I think we hear heaps, a lot, and then some, about how we need to have good self inner talk to the point that we may all be a bit over it! That's just it though how many of us are really pulling ourselves up and speaking God's truth to ourselves, it so is a choice and it is so easy to be unconscious about what we say inside. I reckon it is really hard but love that we can learn to get better!
    Ps Hubbies don't mean to be mean but they just don't get the 'little black dress' in us!
