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Wednesday, June 2, 2010


The other night I was watching Master Chef (the TV show where contestants compete by cooking amazing meals to win the show‘s title - it so makes my dinner time look sad ;)).  Anyway, one of the female contestants had an embarrassing mishap with an ingredient right in front of the judges, other contestants, and let's not forget just the whole of Australia.  
She shook her head and simply stated “I am not invisible now.”

Wow, what a statement. I mean really (and be honest) haven’t we all felt invisible at times? 
For some of us maybe you have always felt this way. Invisible to the big old world, invisible to the success of others, invisible to those you value most or want value from, even invisible to you.

I soooo have.

Then, what’s  worse is when you make a mistake, or things don’t go to plan, or you just have an embarrassing mishap suddenly you’re ‘visible’ for all the wrong reason. You’re left feeling silly, or angry, looked over, disappointed and shamed (oh pass me the chocolate now and I mean the whole block). You can even feel and start to believe that those standout moments of weakness are what define you.

Sometimes it is easy to be invisible too. Easy to not have to make tough decisions, easy to not take responsibility for where you are personally at, easy to not have to worry about what others may think if you were to step out, easy to leave it to others to be the ones that make a difference - cause their the mistake free, perfect, standouts right !!!

Truth Moment: If you don’t become visible no matter the cost, then who will make a difference in your own life, in your world = no one.

Only you can make you visible. Only you can find you.

It is time to get visible that means you, you, you.

Sure it’s a risk and there are going to be mistakes made, maybe some embarrassing mishaps, feeling uncomfortable, and feeling ‘out there’ with the spotlight on (sunglasses anyone?). But if you keep stepping out ‘visible’ you are also going to learn how to get it right, become comfortable, and feel really happy that you are doing what you knew was always in you.  
You will achieve the ultimate dazzling goal of making a difference for you and in others.

So this June we are all shedding invisibility and living visible. (Shameless dance around the room time - now that's visible!;))

Time to:

Look around your life, what needs you to be 'visible' (or more visible), who needs you to be visible, where can you step out, up and in?

1) Is it time to change some old thinking and look in the mirror and become visible to your self-esteem and your value? Those past failures or mistakes don’t define you - so throw them off NOW!

2) Do you need to become visible to a dream, goal or passion and step out and learn, achieve, do and most important BE?

3) Are there people around you who need you to be more visible to make a difference for them - to make them more visible: Your children, your hubby, friends, those without friends, those in desperate need, and those in other nations, …………..?   

4) What organization, church, charity needs you to be visible and join them in making a difference to others? (We know your busy but what could you do? :))
 Get Inspired:

Read Proverbs 31:10 -, from the Bible http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Proverbs%2031&version=AMP 

This is a passage about a woman who stands out. She is visible. This is because she has chosen to stand confident in who she is and she stands confident in what she does (in her day to day society and particular lifetime) – she is seen being actively visible.  
She is not about being the perfect women or the most incredible and gifted (She sooo would have needed chocolate too). She is here to inspire you to be the best YOU.  Touch YOUR world with visible YOU.

 Everyone share:

Tell us what you are doing or going to do to be visible?

1 comment:

  1. I think we all have times where we'd rather remain invisible; however, being 'out there' is so much more rewarding... and it doesn't always mean you are in the spotlight. Some of the most "visible" people I know work tirelessly in secret to bless God and those around them. That's the kind of visible I want to be. :)
